Great Expectations
17th June 2020 Article by Alexander Baranikow | Strategy Manager Politics is won or lost when the outcome delivered is compared to expectations. In fact, the success and failure of...
17th June 2020 Article by Alexander Baranikow | Strategy Manager Politics is won or lost when the outcome delivered is compared to expectations. In fact, the success and failure of...
27th May 2020 Article by Adi Stevens | Strategist If recent times have taught us anything, it’s that businesses can adapt. In most cases, employees can work productively from home and technology is able...
13th May 2020 Article by Matthew Mahon | Managing Director Corporate As professional, semi-pro and grass roots sports around Australia start thinking about warming up for their return to play, one thing is certain:...
27th April 2020 Article by RoyceComm There are some simple things you can be doing right now to improve your spokesperson’s performance on video interviews. By now it’s obvious that live and pre-record...
After 30 plus years in crisis management I have always stood by the maxim that you should never comment on how a crisis is being handled unless you are in...
The need for clear and regular communication with your staff is obvious; but businesses that rely on strong stakeholder relationships should be spending time and effort tending to those as...
So where to from here? Coming out of the traditionally high-travel, recreational and major family, friend and event period that is Easter, this of course has been anything but normal....
In speaking to our clients and friends, what is causing the most anxiety about the pandemic is the unknown: how will this affect my world, my family, my staff, or...
Communications planning for restrictions and operational impacts during this pandemic is the second most important thing you can do for your business right now. Most of our clients have strong...
RoyceComm is currently working on a number of sensitive communication projects as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. We’ve already had first-hand experience on a range of workplace, legal and business continuity fronts, which are proving to be invaluable for clients and future advisory work.
We are now providing our clients with a comprehensive crisis planning, management and recovery service specifically tailored to the current crisis managed by our senior crisis management practitioners. We are also providing access to our industry, government and regulator contacts and are supported by our expert panel of public health, medical, government relations and legal experts to complement your internal expert team.
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